Oni Mansion Game Walkthrough
Welcome to the Oni Mansion full of ghoulish surprises! It can be scary at first, but let the Onis walk you through it!
The objective of the Oni Mansion Game is to earn in-game reward tokens by completing daily tasks, haunting other NFTs, and purchasing items from the store to upgrade your mansion. At the end of the 4-week event, you will be able to mint your personalized Oni Mansion as an NFT on the Ethereum Mainnet, and it will be tradeable on OpenSea.
Link to play here: https://onisquad.gg/#/oni-mansion-game
Getting Started
This is the Welcome screen:

If your Metamask is not set to the Polygon Mumbai network, there will be a pop-up asking you to Switch to the Polygon Mumbai Network.

Switch to the Polygon Mumbai Network on your Metamask. If you need to add the Polygon Mumbai network, check out our FAQ: https://onisquad.medium.com/oni-mansion-game-faq-ddfb5eab7dcb

Select NFT you own and check NFT ownership
Your NFT should show up. Press Play to start and enter the main screen!

Missions and Gameplay

Once you’re on the main screen, you will need to do a Daily Check-in first to earn in-game tokens. Checking in is required before you can do anything else.
This is the in-game reward token, Oni Mansion Coin, which you can use to purchase upgrades for the mansion from the store:

General Haunt means you can haunt any supported NFT to earn tokens.
Trait / specific haunt is a rotating group of NFTs you can haunt based on traits or PFP collection. Chat in Discord or Twitter to share or find friends with specific traits to haunt!
At the top of Bounty Haunter, you can click the Share button to share your URL with a friend so they can specifically haunt you. You will also need their URL if you want to specifically haunt them. The link will land you directly to their mansion.

Your Metamask will pop up, accept the transaction, and you have successfully haunted another NFT!

After you complete Daily Mission, Random Haunt, and Specific Haunt, you can do a Daily Bonus to earn 5 tokens.
Once you earn enough tokens, you can shop in the Store.

Players can earn a free Loot Box after completing a set of 21 missions.

The Loot Box progress bar indicates how close you are to a new Loot Box.
You can claim a 7-day streak bonus once you’ve done all of the above tasks for 7 days straight to receive 30 game tokens!
You can share your Oni mansion URL with your non-crypto friends for them to Light a Candle on the bottom right-hand corner. Lighting a candle requires Google authentication and will show a candle lighting animation and increase the candle count (tbc). Once your candle has been lit several times, spooky things may happen to your mansion

If you want to send the Oni Mansion coin to other players/another wallet, you will have to Import the token into your Metamask

Add Token contract address: 0xeFCB74b7473BA05D2336dc9CA3b1ea891d4869C7

Your OMN (Oni Mansion coin) tokens should now be added