Yomi Gardens IOS Testflight Migration
We’re officially transitioning Yomi Gardens from TestFlight to the App Store for IOS Devices!
Since we have ceased updates to TestFlight, some plays may notice an issue with TestFlight either expiring soon or already expired. Soon you will not be able to play on TestFlight anymore.
Please read the below to continue playing!
🚨 IMPORTANT: DO NOT delete your Yomi Gardens App
Deleting your Yomi Gardens App will result in the loss of your App data and in-game progress (gold, facilities, tsuki energy).
Download the main app from the App Store
This new download from the main App Store will replace your previous version of the Yomi Gardens TestFlight app. All future builds will also be released directly on the App Store!
Our Beta Testers
A huge THANK YOU to all those who were our dedicated Beta Testers! The first round of rewards is on its way to our loyal beta players (both IOS and Android testers) who contributed bug reports and feedback. You have been invaluable to our journey and growth! Additionally, get ready for new roles that come with extra perks. Stay tuned for more updates!
Lastly, if you’re feeling up to it, we’d greatly appreciate a quick review from you on the App Store! It’s still early days, and there’s a ton more coming your way. Your supportive comments mean the world to us. For your feature wishlist and any bumps in the transition or bug reports, drop them right here in on our Discord
Let’s goooo!